Use the Force! Play Atari Star Wars at Game Terminal

You don't need to travel to a galaxy far, far away to enjoy a classic Star Wars arcade game. Visit Game Terminal, and you can play the Atari Star Wars game today. 

What to Expect When You Play the Atari Star Wars Game

The Atari Star Wars game was released in 1983. It's a first-person rail shooter game that lets you assume the role of Luke Skywalker. 

You pilot Skywalker's X-wing. As you do, you'll face off against TIE fighters and gun turrets. You get six shields but lose each one with every hit by an enemy or projectile. If you lose all of your shields and get hit, the game ends. 

There are three attack phases in the Atari Star Wars game. If you make it to the final phase, you'll get the chance to relieve a timeless scene from Return of the Jedi by blowing up the Death Star. 

Jedis and non-Jedis alike can enjoy Atari Star Wars. If you are looking for a Star Wars fix or simply want to enjoy a fun arcade game, check out Atari Star Wars at Game Terminal. 

Ready to Try Atari Star Wars? Stop by Game Terminal Today

Game Terminal redefines what it means to spend time at the bar. With delicious food, tasteful drinks, and classic arcade games of all varieties, we are your premier Nashville bar and arcade. To check availability for party and special event reservations, give us a call at (615)-610-2460.   

Game Terminal