Keep Your Cool! Play the Reactor Arcade Game Today

Want to try the Reactor arcade game? Stop by Game Terminal — we make it easy to play Reactor and hundreds of other games any time you choose. 

What the Reactor Arcade Game Offers

The Reactor arcade game debuted in 1982. The game featured a simple premise: cool down the nuclear plant's core reactor without getting pushed into the enemy's subatomic particles. 

When you play the Reactor game, you'll use your ship to deflect enemy particles into the reactor. At the same time, the reactor is constantly expanding. If you want to stop the reactor from expanding, you'll need to deflect enemy particles into control rods on the screen. And if you're not careful, these control rods can sometimes try to "suck" your ship into them. 

As you play the Reactor arcade game, you'll earn points by destroying enemy particles. With each particle you destroy, you move one step closer to completing each level. Meanwhile, with each level you complete, you move one step closer to winning the game.

Try the Reactor Game at Game Terminal

Game Terminal redefines what it means to spend time at the bar. With delicious food, tasteful drinks, and classic arcade games of all varieties, we are your premier Nashville bar and arcade. To check availability for party and special event reservations, give us a call at (615)-610-2460.   

Game Terminal