The Journey Arcade Game: A Video Game as Great as the Band

The Journey Arcade Game: A Video Game as Great as the Band

Journey fans rejoice! Visit Game Terminal, and you can play the Journey arcade game today. 

What's the Journey Arcade Game? Here's Everything You Need to Know

The Journey arcade game launched in March 1983, following the release of Journey's Frontiers album (which features hits like "Faithfully" and "Send Her My Love") one month earlier. It puts you in the shoes of Journey band members Steve Perry, Neal Schon, Steve Smith, Jonathan Cain, and Ross Valory. Your goal: travel to different planets to recover the band's musical instruments stolen by crazed alien fans. 

Each level in the Journey arcade game includes five minigames followed by a bonus round. Along the way, you'll hear Journey classics like "Don't Stop Believin'" and "Chain Reaction." Most importantly, each level you complete brings you one step closer to winning the game. 

Classic rock fans and gamers young and old can enjoy the Journey arcade game. Stop by Game Terminal, and you can play this retro arcade game and many others. 

Take a Journey with the Band Journey at Game Terminal Today

Game Terminal redefines what it means to spend time at the bar. With delicious food, tasteful drinks, and classic arcade games of all varieties, we are your premier Nashville bar and arcade. To check availability for party and special event reservations, give us a call at (615)-610-2460.   

Game Terminal